Author Terms of Service

You MUST be the original author of all the articles you submit. If you hired a ghost writer, you MUST have exclusive rights to every article that you submit.

When creating an editorial account, you MUST use a real or pen first and last name.

There is no guarantee that any of the articles you submit will be accepted into our directory. It is at our sole discretion to decide whether or not to include any of your articles. If we do publish any of your articles, we reserve the right to remove your article(s) at any time.

We reserve the right to change the category of your article(s) if we find they’re listed under an unrelated subject/topic.
By submitting your articles to, you agree to allow us to:
Publish your article(s) on and any of its article directory partner sites.
Publish your article(s) in RSS format for other sites to syndicate.

You agree that is a FREE service for both publishers and authors. You will not be paid for submitting articles to our site nor will you be paid if and when your articles are published. You will receive all the credit for your work and your resource box will be left intact.

You agree that your article body will not contain any affiliate links. If you have intentions of promoting an affiliate program, then we recommend you setup your own domain and link to it from the resource box. may at any time translate your article into another language for any of our sister sites. Your article will remain intact complete with the resource box.

We research the right to alter our terms of service at any time. We will typically notify our authors through the site blog.

We research the right to include any form of advertising on pages that host your article(s).
Publisher Terms of Service

  • You must respect the copyright of each author’s article that you decide to publish. This includes, but is not limited to a. any links they may have on the article and b. the resource box provided by the author.
  • You must not re-word, change or edit any part of any article that you have not written.
  • You must agree to make sure that all hyperlinks are kept “live” so that users can click on them and be taken to its intended destination.
  • You must agree to never use articles that you have obtained from in any form of unsolicited mail or spam.
  • You must agree to never publish any of the articles you obtained from on sites that contain racist, hate, porn, warez or any other material deemed illegal.
  • You agree to never see any article obtained from without written consent from the original author.

This includes selling articles either in compilation or individually.


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